I am Wei Hao

Software Engineering | Full Stack Developer

About Me

  • Name: Wei Hao Tan
  • School: National University of Singapore
  • Major: Computer Science
  • Nationality: Singapore
  • Hobbies: Coding, Dota 2, Choral Music

Who Am I?

Hey there, I'm Wei Hao. I am currently a sophomore in the National University of Singapore (NUS) majoring in Computer Science. I have passion and experience in Software Engineering, Web development, I can be said to be the jack-of-all-trades.

I would love to embark on this enterpreneurial journey that I have started. My goal during during this internship experience is that I want to hone my existing tech skills and pick up new, non-tech ones. I would like to understand the management workings and issues faced.

What Can I Do ?

These are the roles I am passionate about:

  • Software Engineering
  • UI/UX Design
  • Front-End Development
  • Back-End Development
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Project Management

I Am
a Star Perfomer



  • May 2018 - Aug 2018 (not yet begun as of May 2018)

    Software Engineering Intern

    Port of Singapore Authority
    • Will be focussing on port automation processes
  • Jan 2018 - May 2018 (4mths)

    Teaching Assistant

    School of Computing, NUS
    • Taught a tutorial class for "CS1010E: Programming Methodology" course, conducted in C
    • Invigilated examinations and conducted post-exam review sessions for course students
    • Marking duties for students' Practical Examinations
    Key Takeaways:
    As someone with much programming experience, I had learn to instruct students in programming by explaining the fundamental concepts in programming. This also helped me to reinforce my coding ability as I come across mistakes from beginner programmers. I had to learn to fully reframe concepts to students who did not easily grasp concepts
  • May 2017 - May 2018 (1yr)

    IT Manager

    The NUSChoir, NUS
    • Managed IT-related affairs of The NUSChoir i.e. Photography, Video Recordings, NUSChoir Youtube Account
    • Managed the NUSChoir's social media marketing campaigns
    • Designed marketing material i.e. visuals, posters, concert booklet
    • Increase in concert attendance from previous year (+50 pax/+5%)
    Key Takeaways:
    I learnt about design processes and how to take charge and manage people doing design work under me. I learnt photography, videography as well as social media marketing campaigns.
  • May 2016 - Jan 2018 (intermittently)

    Independent Solutions Developer

    Kydon Learning Systems Institute
    • Implemented a WYSIWYG browser editor for XHTML files.
    • Streamlined the production of EPUB files by automating manual processes
    • Improved existing development processes by implementing innovative solutions.
    • Reduced 2 weeks of production time, from the usual 10 week production
    • Developed a full product for internal use by a company
    Key Takeaways:
    It was my first time interning at a startup-like company (4 year old small to medium sized companies) and I had to adapt to the pace and fast deadlines very quickly. Through some contacts, I was made know of the technical challenges the company faced. It was also the first time that I managed to cold call a company and approach them with my solution to their problem.
  • May 2014 - Mar 2016 (1yr 10mths)

    Intelligence Specialist

    Singapore Armed Forces
    • Mandatory Singapore National Service
    • Held the rank of 3rd Sergeant at 3rd Division Artillery
    • Responsible for administrative roles
    • Reponsible for the Role of Intelligence Specialist in military exercises
    Key Takeaways:
    It was my first time working in an office environment and therefore was a difficult 22 months yet the most nurturing experience thus far. I was exposed to project management lifecycles as well as budget and resource planning. Due to sheer number of ICT Systems that the SPF had, it was taxing. However I soon gained interest in learning more about these systems and technologies and that led me to choose Computer Science as my major in University even though I had no prior knowledge of programming. It was during my time here that I understood the real importance and power of IT in the world we live in today.
  • Feb 2014 - Apr 2014 (3 mnths)

    Risk Assurance Temporary Assistant

    PriceWaterhouseCoopers Singapore
    • Supported senior staff and managers on varied assignments and administrative office-based tasks
    • Worked with client engagements relating to internal audits, business process reviews and management advisory-related work
    Key Takeaways:
    This was a role in the industry of auditing. I learnt to deal with the fast pace of audit work, to manage my work-life balance and to deal with bosses in large organisations. This is the job that lead to to be disillusioned with the bureacracy of large organisations and led to the conclusion that I want to work in a startup


  • 2016-2020 (ongoing)

    Bachelor's Degree

    Bachelor of Computing (Hons) in Computer Science, NUS, Singapore

    Some notable modules I have read:
    CS1101S Programming Methodology (Functional Programming)
    CS1020 Data Structures & Algorithms (Java)
    CS2010 Data Structures & Algorithms II (Java)
    CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals
    CS2103T Software Engineering
    CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

  • 2011-2012

    GCE 'A' Levels (High School equiv)

    Saint Andrew's Junior College, Singapore
    • Subjects taken:
      • H3 Semiconductor Physics (Pass)
      • H2 Physics (A)
      • H2 Computing (A)
      • H2 Mathematics (A)
      • H1 Economics (A)
      • H1 General Paper (A)
      • H1 Project Work (B)
    • Won the SAJC Jacob Ballas Award for 5 Distinctions at A Levels
    • Awarded the Infocomm Development Authority Singapore (IDA) JC Computing award

I Am
A Young Man on A Journey To Discover Himself


Software Engineering


UI/UX Design


Front-End Development


Back-End Development


Project Management


Social Media Marketing


More Attributes



The NUSChoir's Christmas Marketing Campaign
BonAppetour Christmas Marketing Campaign on FB
RedditGuessr Question



NUS Orbital Programme - Showcase

Showcase is a web-application that was co-developed with my project partner as part of the summer-long Orbital Programme in NUS School of Computing. People upload "Showcases" to our website. They can attach links to tags to the products featured in the image. This was to help people expedite the process of product discovery to purchasing of products. It was enriching experience because this programme used self-directed learning as the medium of instruction. This programme got me to believe that I could develop anything that I wanted. It gives me immense self-satisfaction to bring to fruition something of our own design To view the app, please click here.


CS2103 Software Engineering Module Project - Codeducator

This was my first major software engineering module. Here I worked in a team of 4 to improve upon a contacts manager application in Java. I learnt to be proficient in using GitHub for revision control. Industry-standard practices of good coding styles, patterns and design were taught and tested. I also learnt how to debug and implement Testing for application features in Java. I learnt to produce formal documentation for software products To view the report, please click here.

My Toolkit


What Others Say I Am

"Wei Hao has a unique perspective unlike any I’ve seen. He brings a refreshing change and a fresh perspective to the company. Despite having no prior professional experience, he displays maturity and a staunch willingness to learn."
- Mr Damien Cheok, Operations Manager, Kydon Learning Institute

"I found it to be extremely innovative and had strong business potential. Their project was relatively technically challenging. However, the most impressive aspects about the project were the clean user interface and appealing user experience. It was evident that UI and UX were very carefully thought through and I found it to be impressive."
- Mr Tan Tack Poh, Orbital Student Advisor

I Am the intern you want

Contact Me!

Get in touch!

Interested? Me too! I am keen to talk to you to understand how I can contribute to your company.
Drop me a message!
265 Bishan St 24
Singapore 570265